When I was a child I used to ask a question to my mother about the origin of life on earth... as all of us used to get I got thesame answer that God has created us. The who in the question was answered but the how in the question was not answered. Latedas a student I was tought the process of evolutiohn and the theory of Darvin and others.As an adult I started disbelieving the Darvin Theory. With an advent of Internet and the information superhighway most of my free time was spent surfing the mateiral related to the orgin of life on earth. In this blog I will out line the information so far I have gathered and the answer I got.
Do remember that I believe in God, my thoughts have nothing to do with yours.
There will be an enormous amount of challenging information in that will come through this blog. Please do not continue if you are dependent on your present belief system, or if you feel you cannot cope emotionally with what has really happened. If you do choose to continue, remember there is nothing to fear. Life is forever and everything is just an experience on the road to enlightenment. If as a reader you are interested to know the origin of life on earth and how we human were created ..... every saturday a new article will come on this blog... it is like a series... do follow ..it might happen that some of your questions may also get answered.
Of all the evidences that there are accumulated to support our conclusions, the test number one is the Man himself. In many aspects, the modern man - the Homo sapiens- is an Earth stranger.
Ever since Charles Darwin shocked to the world of the students and the theologians of his time withthe evidences of the evolution, the Earth life describes through Man and primates, mammals and vertebrates, overcoming us until still more inferior forms of life and to arrive, finally thousands of million years back, to the point in which it is presumed that the life began.
But, after arriving at these beginnings and to have begun to contemplate the probabilities of life in any
other place of our Solar System or beyond him, the scientists have begun to feel intranquilos with
respect to the Earth life, since, by some reason, it does not seem to be of here. If the life began through
a series of spontaneous chemical reactions, so that the Earth life does not have an only origin more,
and not a multitude of possible origins? And so that all the alive Earth matter contains so little chemical
elements of which they abound in the Earth, and so many that are so strange in our planet?
Perhaps the life was concerned to the Earth from some other place?
But it is that, in addition, the position of the Man in the evolutionary scale has exacerbado the disagreement still more. Finding a skull here and a jaw broken there, the students thought, at the outset, that the Man had his origin in Asia does around 500,000 years. But, as they were been fossil still more old, it became evident that the mills of the evolution ground more slowly very many. The simios ancestors of the man locate themselves now to surprising 25 million years of distance. The discoveries of Eastern Africa reveal a transition to nb of human characteristics (homÃnidos) makes 14 million years. And it was around 11 million years later when he appears the first worthy simio-man of the classification of Homo.
The first considered being as truely human - the “Advanced Australopitecus” - he lived in the same zones of Africa makes about 2 million years. And still he took another million to him years to produce to the Homo erectus. Finally, after other 900,000 years, he appeared the first primitive Man; Neanderthal
was called to him, by the place where they appeared his rest for the first time.
In spite of than 2 million years passed the more between the Advanced Australopitecus and the Neanderthal, the tools of both groups - sharpened stones were virtually the same ones; and such
groups (by the aspect that thinks that they had) had been difficult to differentiate.
Later, suddenly and inexplicably, it does about 35,000 years, a new race of Men and Homo sapiens (the “thinking Man”) appears as of the anything and sweeps the man of Neanderthal of the Earth face. These modern Men called Cro-Magnon- as much looked like us that, if dress with the clothes of our times were hubese to them, there were past unnoticed between the multitudes of any European or American city. At the outset, he was called “men to them of the caverns” due to the magnificent rock art that left. But the truth is that they vagaban freely by the Earth, because to refuges and homes with stones and skins of animals knew how to be constructed wherever they were.
During million years, the tools of the Man had not been more than stones with useful forms. Nevertheless, the Man of Cro-Magnon conducted military operations and specialized tools of wood and
bone. No longer he was “simio naked”, because he used skins to get dressed. He had an organized society; he lived in clans, under a patriarcal hegemony. Their cave paintings have impronta artistic and the depth of the feeling; their paintings and their sculptures demonstrate certain form of “religion”, in appearance, the cult of a Goddess Mother who imagined sometimes with the sign of an increasing Moon. Also it buried to his deads and, of there, that some type of philosophy with respect to the life, the death possibly had and, perhaps, to a life after the life.
But, with mysterious and inexplicable that is the appearance from the Man of Cro-Magnon, the puzzle it is even still more complex, since, of the discovery of other rest of the modern Man (in places like Swanscombe, Steinheim and Montmaria), one takes control evident that the Man of Cro-Magnon arose from a still more old branch of Homo sapiens that lived in western Asia and North Africa about 250,000 years before he.
The appearance of the modern Man only 700,000 years later, of the Homo erectus and about 200,000 years before the Man of Neanderthal is absolutely improbable. It is evident also that the deviation of the Homo sapiens with respect to the slow evolutionary process so is pronounced that many of our characteristics, like the one of the capacity to speak, do not have connection some with primates previous.
A prominent authority in this subject, professor Theodosius Dobzhansky (Mankind Evolving), certainly was disturbed by the fact that this development took place during a period in which the Earth was crossing a freezing, the less propitious moment for an evolutionary advance. Indicating that the Homo
sapiens lacked some of the peculiarities of the known previous types completely, and that something had never before had seen, it reached the conclusion that “the modern man has many collateral fossil relatives, but does not have ancestors; in this way, the appearance of the Homo sapiens becomes an enigma”.
Then, how can be that the ancestors of the modern Man appeared about 300,000 years ago, instead of doing it within two or three million years in the future, as have-happened in case of following the development evolutionary? We were mattered to the Earth from some other place or, as it affirms to the Old Testament and other old sources, we were created by the Gods?
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