The Gods of Sumer !!!!!

 The Gods of Sumer  !!!!!

How could be that, after hundreds of thousands or million years of laborious and slow evolution, everything changed of so steep form and completes, and, with three pushes - around of 11000-7400-3800 a.C-, the primitive hunters and nomadic recolectores transformed into agriculturists and potters, in constructors of cities, engineers, mathematicians, astronomers, metallurgical, trading,
musical, judges, doctors, writers, librarians or priests? It would be possible still to be gone beyond to make a question still more basic, magnificently raised by professor Robert J. Braidwood (Prehistoric Men): “After all, so that it happened? So that all the human beings we are still not living as he lived
myself in the Mesolítico”

The sumerios, the people by who came to be this so sudden civilization, had a prepared answer. They summarized it in one of the tens of thousands of found mesopotámicas inscriptions: “Everything what one is beautiful, we did it by the grace of the Gods”. The Gods of Sumer. Who were?

They were unattainable and, nevertheless, always they were mixing themselves in the human subjects.
They could go of here for there to a speed of vertigo, appear and disappear; they little had arms common and of an immense one to be able. Each one had a specific function and, like consequence,
any human activity could suffer or benefit from the attitude of the God in charge of that activity in individual; therefore, the rituals of cult and the offerings to the Gods were destined to gain their favor. The main deity of the Greeks during the Greek civilization was Zeus, “Father, of Gods and Hombres”,
“Gentleman of the Celestial Fire”. Its main weapon and symbol were the ray. He was a “king” in the Earth that had descended from skies; somebody that made decisions and gave well and badly the mortals, but whose original scope was in skies.

It was not neither the first God on the Earth, nor either first in having been in skies. Mixing theology with cosmology to create what the students call mythology, the Greeks thought that at first it was the Chaos; later, they appeared Gea (the Earth) and his consorte Uranus (the skies). Gea and Urano had twelve
children. Titanes, six men and six females. Although their legendary feats took Earth place, occurred by the way that they had one contraparte astral.

Doubt that does not fit the Greek religion and traditions they arrived at Greek mainland from Near East, via Smaller Asia and the islands of the Mediterranean. It is there where its pantheon inserts the roots; it is there where we must look for the origins of the Greek Gods, and its astral relation with number twelve.
The Hinduism, the old religion of India, considers the Prohibitions - compositions of hymns, sacrificiales formulas and other sayings pertaining to the Gods like sagradas writings, “of nonhuman origin”. Such Gods wrote, says them the Hindu tradition, in the era that preceded to the present. But, with the passage of time, a number every greater time of the 100,000 original verses, that was happening through oral transmission of generation in generation, went losing and confusing. In the end, a wise person wrote the verses that were, dividing them in four books and confiándoselos to four of his main disciples, so that one preserved a Prohibition each.

At primitive times, the Rishis (“the old fluentes”) “flowed celestially”, had of irresistible powers. Of them, seven were the Great Ancestors. The Gods Rahu (“demon”) and Ketu (“disconnected”) formed once an only celestial body that tried to be united to the Gods without permission; but the God of Storms sent its flaming weapon against him, dividing it in two pieces: Rahu, the “Head of the Dragoon”, that crosses skies in search of revenge incessantly, and Ketu, the “Tail of the Dragoon”. Sea-Ishi, ascending of the Solar Dynasty, gave light to Kash-Yapa (“that that is the throne”). The Prohibitions describe like a somebody enough prolífico to him; but the dynastic succession only continued through its ten children with Prit-Hivi (“celestial mother”).

Like head of the dynasty, Kash-Yapa was also the head of devas (“the brilliants”) and took the title of Dyaus-Toot (“shining father”). Along with his consorte and its ten children, the twelve the divine family composed Adityas, Gods that were assigned to a sign of the zodiac and to a celestial body each one. The celestial body of Kash-Yapa was “the shining star”; Prit-Hivi represented the Earth. Later, they were the Gods whose homologous celestial they were the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

Its reign also arrived, more soon or later, to an aim. Indra, the God that killed the “celestial Dragoon”, demanded the throne after killing its father. It was the new Gentleman of Cielos and God of Storms. The ray and the thunderclap were their arms, and had like epíteto the one of Sir of the Armies. Nevertheless, it had to share his dominion with his two brothers. One was Vivashvat, that was the ancestor of Manu, the first Man. The other was Agni (“lighting”), that brought the fire to the Earth from skies, so that the Humanity could use it industrially.

The similarities between the pantheons Vedaic and Greek are obvious. The stories relative to the main deities, as well as the verses that smaller - children deal with multitude of other deities, spouses, daughters, lovers are, evidently, duplicated (or original) of Greek stories. Doubt that does not fit Dyaus ended up meaning Zeus; Dyaus-Toot, Jupiter; Varuna, Uranus; and so on. And, in both cases, the Circle of the Great Gods was always of twelve, does not concern the changes that took place in the divine succession.

How could arise such similarity in two so distant zones, as much in the geographic thing as in the weather?

Being established so the Gods of long ago were as much of the Sky as of the Earth, the epic makes a list of the twelve “powerful ones of long ago”, the ancestors of the Gods; and, once assured his attention, the narrator comes to relate the events that took to that the God that was “king of the Sky” came to “the dark Earth”:

There is no doubt that the “words of long ago”, that during thousands of years constituted the religious language of the superior lessons and writings, were the language of Sumer. And there is no doubt that either the “Gods of long ago” were the Gods of Sumer; nowhere have been registries, stories, genealogies and histories of Gods older than those of Sumer.


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