The idea that the Earth could be visited by intelligent beings of some other place postulates the existence of another celestial body on which these intelligent beings had settled down one more a civilization outpost than ours.

The speculations with respect to the possibility that the Earth was visited by intelligent beings of another planet have centered until now in our neighbors Mars or Venus like place of origin of these beings. Nevertheless, now which or outpost is occurring by the way that no of these planets has had intelligent life, far from it to a civilization, those that creates in such visits to the Earth are contemplating to the possibility of other galaxies or other distant stars like home of these extraterrestrial astronauts. The advantage of these proposals is that, although they are not possible to be demonstrated, they are possible either to be refuted. The disadvantage is based in which the “homes” that they suggest are fantastically distant of the Earth, and would require a trip of very many years at the speed of the light. The authors of such proposals postulate, therefore, the possibility that they had made a trip only of going to the Earth: a team of astronauts in an one shot mission, or, perhaps, in a lost spaceship and without control with which they made an Earth forced landing.

But this one is not, indeed, the notion sumeria of the Celestial Dwelling of the Gods. The sumerios so accepted the existence of “Celestial Dwelling”, of a “pure place”, a “dwelling primigenia”. Whereas Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag went to the Earth and made their home in her, his Anu father remained in the Celestial Dwelling like his sovereign. Not only there are sporadic text references diverse, but that also exist “ready of divine even detailed Gods” where one names to veintiuna of the dynasty, which they preceded to Anu in the throne of the “pure place”.

Where is the celestial bodies that are represented by these symbols? Where is the Celestial Dwelling? The old artist even responds with another representation, the one of a great deity that extends its rays to eleven celestial bodies smaller than they surround to him. It is the representation of a Sun, orbited by eleven planets.

It is not a this one isolated representation, as I know can see in other cylindrical seals, like this one of the Museum of Near East of the Antiquity, in Berlin.

If we extended the God or central celestial body of the seal of Berlin , we see that ernite portrays to a great star that rays surrounded by eleven celestial bodies - planets. These, as well, rest on a chain of twenty-four smaller globes. Is only one chance which the total number of “moons” or satellites of the planets of our Solar System (the astronomers exclude those that they have less than 16 kilometers of diameter) is, exactly, of twenty-four?

Therefore, we have a handle to affirm that these representations - of the Sun and eleven planets they reflect our Solar System, because the students say to us that the planetary system of which the Earth comprises is made up of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Altogether, we would have the Sun and only ten planets (if it is counted to the Moon like a planet).

But this is not what the sumerios said. The sumerios affirmed that our system was made up of the Sun and eleven planets (counting the Moon), and had the opinion firmly deque, in addition to the planets that we know nowadays, there was a twelfth member of the Solar System: the planet mother of nefilim. We will call the Twelfth Planet to him.

Before verifying the precision of the information sumeria, we are going to make a revision of the history of our Earth knowledge and of the skies that surround it.

Today we know that beyond the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, to insignificant distances in terms of the universe, but immense in human terms, two important planets exist more (Urano and Neptune) and the third smallest one (Pluto), that belong to our Solar System. But this knowledge is quite recent.

Uranus was discovered, thanks to the use of perfected telescopes, in 1781. After observing it during fifty years, some astronomers reached the conclusion that its orbit revealed the influence of another planet more. Guidances by these mathematical calculations, the missing planet - Neptune call was located by the astronomers in 1846. Later, at the end of century xix, it was made evident that Neptune also was influenced by another unknown gravitational attraction. Perhaps was another planet in our Solar
System? The disagreement was solved in 1930, with the observation and location of Pluto.

Therefore, until 1780, during many centuries before, people thought that there were seven members in our Solar System: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Earth did not count like planet, because it thought that all these celestial bodies gave to returns to the Earth - the more important celestial body him created by God, with the most important creation of God, the Man, on her. In text books one says that the one was Nicholas Copérnico that discovered that the Earth is only one between several planets of a heliocentric system (centered in the Sun). Fearing the wrath of the Catholic Church to defy the position of the central Earth position, Copérnico already published its study (Of revolutionibus orbium coelestium) being in the deathbed, in 1543.

Spurred to reexaminar centuries of old astronomical concepts, had, mainly, to the necessities of the navigation of the Era of the Discoveries, and by the discoveries of Columbus (1492), Magallanes (1520) and others of which the Earth was not flat but spherical, Copérnico had to base on mathematical calculations and the search of answers in old writings. One of the few ecclesiastics who supported to Copérnico, Schonberg cardinal, wrote to him in 1536:

“I have found out that you not only know the foundations of the old mathematical doctrines, but that, in addition, has created a new theory… according to which the Earth is in movement and is the Sun the one that occupies the position of attention and, therefore, cardinal”.

The concepts that were maintained at that time based on the traditions Greek and Roman of which the Earth, that was flat, “was vaulted” by distant skies, in which the stars were fixed. Against that tachonado star sky the planets (of the Greek word planets, “nomadic”) around the Earth moved. Therefore, there were seven celestial bodies, from where they took his origin the seven days of the week and their names: the Sun (Sunday), the Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter (Thursday), Venus (Friday), Saturn (Saturday).

These astronomical slight knowledge came from works and codifications of Ptolomeo, an astronomer of Alexandria, Egypt, of century II d.C. Their sharp conclusions were that he Sun, the Moon and cough five planets moved in circles around the Earth. Ptolemaica astronomy reigned for more than 1300 years, until Copérnico put in center to the Sun.

Whereas some speak of Copérnico like of the “Father of Modern Astronomy”, others see more it like a a reconstructive investigator and of old ideas. The certain thing is that it concientiously studied writings of the Greek astronomers who preceded to Ptolomeo, like Hiparco and Aristarch de Samos. This one last one already suggested, in century III a.C, that the movements of the celestial bodies could be explained better if the Sun, and the nonEarth, occupied the center of the system. In fact, 2000 years before Copérnico, the Greek astronomers did a list of planets in their correct order from the Sun, recognizing
so the Sun, and the nonEarth, was the focal point of the Solar System.

The heliocentric concept was only redescubierto by Copérnico, and the interesting thing of the case is that the astronomers knew more in the 500 a.C that in 500 or 1500 d.C.

The certain thing is that, at the present time, the experts have a hard bone to nibble at the time of explaining so that, the first Greek and soon Romans, gave by fact who the Earth was flat, and who rose over a cloudy waterproof cloak under which it was the Hades or “Hell”, when some of the evidences left by the Greek astronomers of the first times indicate that already they knew that was not thus. Hiparco, that lived in Smaller Asia in century II a.C, dealed with the “displacement of the sign in the solstice and the equinox”, a phenomenon called now precession of the equinoxes. But this phenomenon can only be explained in terms of “spherical astronomy”, where the Earth is surrounded by other
celestial bodies like a sphere within a spherical universe.


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